Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas was lovely, so nice and relaxing and perfect. My family came over last night...almost everyone was there, a total of 26 of us. That's a lot of people, considering that our house isn't really all that big. But I loved it. There was a ton of food, as usual, and lots of laughter and teasing and fun and presents and pictures. Definitely making a mini-album of this year's Christmas, I totally can't wait.

Today was wonderful too. Opening presents with the kids, and going to our sister-in-law's house for a big breakfast and more presents. Brian made a delicious dinner, his mommy and my brother joined us and we opened more presents. It's crazy and after four Christmas seasons with Brian, the kids and I are still in awe of their generosity and love. Sometimes it's too much, but I guess that's what family does :)

Now we're finally starting to relax. The girls are finishing up the last of the dishes. Both of them are listening to their iPods and it's completely quiet in the kitchen:

We're watching the Cowboys/Eagles game and as soon as the dishes are done, we'll be watching Superman returns. I have to work tomorrow (BOO!) but I'm also supposed to start my new job tomorrow so I won't complain too much. All-in-all it was a wonderful weeekend and I wouldn't change a minute of it. I really couldn't ask for anything more than that.

ps - Brian's stress test is tomorrow morning. I hope everything goes well with that. Cross your fingers for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i will be thinking of brian tomorrow!!! keeping my fingers crossed for y'all.

Happy to read that your christmas was a good one! I wish my cowboys had done good, but congrats to the eagles for playing such an awesome game!!!! maybe we will be better next year